Booking Scheme

The Cinema For All Booking Scheme features over 600 films, representing some of the very best of international cinema, British films, independent features, documentaries and crossover titles.

General Information

All of our titles are available for just £97 per screening with no hidden fees or VAT. If you choose to to screen from our disc library there will be an additional postage charge of £4 for 1st Class Signed For, or £7 for Special Delivery. Please indicate which option you prefer while making your booking. You will also need to cover the cost of return postage. You will always have the option of screening from your own physical copy or digital download legally obtained from an authorised retailer.

To book a film, search for the title and complete the form at the bottom of the title’s page. Confirmation of your booking will be with you within 5 working days.* If you can’t see your preferred title on the list, please get in touch. We will send through a Box Office Numbers form with your booking confirmation. You can also download them here.

If you have any queries, contact or call 0114 2210314.

The Cinema For All Booking Scheme is only open to Members and Associates. For more information on becoming a Member, visit our Joining Page.

Please familiarise yourself with the Booking Scheme terms and conditions before using the Booking Scheme.

To ensure we can always provide our members with affordable options, as well as excellent titles, we’re pleased to introduce a rotating selection of ten exciting titles that will remain available for just £90. Take a look at the full menu here.

Featured Films

Alphabetical Listings



Year: 2022Certificate: 12


Year: 2023Certificate: 15