Looking to set up a film club, society or community cinema? Already run one but want to build on your activities or get some advice on equipment? You’ve come to the right place. Cinema For All provides a wide range of resources relating to screening films in your community. Here you can find and download our advice packs, read about other groups’ activities, you can book 15 minute slot with us to discuss your query with us and get bespoke advice. Become members to access more training, resources, case studies and policy templates. Want to be part of the bigger picture? Sign up to our monthly newsletter here.
Advice Packs
Case Studies
Filmscope are a community cinema based in the London Borough of Brenttook, who took part in Platform in 2024.
High Contrast Cinema
High Contrast Cinema completed our Launch programme in 2023 and screen hardboiled, Hollywood noir classics at the Allendale Centre in Wimborne.
Kelham Island Film Club
Sheffield based Kelham Island Film Club screen a range of classic and cult titles, and took part in Glow in 2023.
Climate Action Focus Group
Our climate action focus group programme is exploring ways that community cinemas can reduce their impact on the climate and become greener cinemas. We are looking for new groups to take part in our focus group! The workshops take place online on a bi-monthly basis. If you or your group is interested in taking part, email Ellie at ellie@cinemaforall.org.uk to find out more.
Book a Call With Our Team

Looking to set up a film club, society or community cinema? Already run one but want some advice? You can book a chat with our friendly and experienced team at any time.