Ready to explore new ways to develop community cinema? Want to top up your skills and feel empowered in all aspects of running your screenings? Glow could be for you!
Applications for Glow are now closed.
Want to top up your skills and feel empowered in all aspects of running your screenings? Glow is here to help your community cinema that has been running for a year or longer, step into their next stage with confidence.
Glow will help you build on the knowledge and experience you have already gained with three focused online coaching sessions with the friendly Cinema For All team and a £200 bursary to boost you in the direction you are going in next.
One of the three focused coaching sessions will be on the topic of fundraising and will be held with your fellow Glow cohort, to help share tips and learning. You can choose from the following menu for the two remaining coaching sessions:
- Developing your marketing – building a strategy that suits you, strengthening your message and marketing planning.
- Curating your film programme – audience research, honing your vision and opportunities.
- More Accessible – ideas and information on accessibility of screenings and spaces to welcome more audiences.
- Organisational strength – looking after and building on the longevity of your cinema on the inner aspect e.g. volunteers, venue and evaluation.
- Outdoor screenings – tips and advice on running an outdoor screening.
- Reaching out to your wider your community – advice and planning to support you on your outreach project.
- Special events – tips, advice and ideas on creating memorable screenings with additional activity.
- Venue and equipment – refresh your skills or train a team member in screening equipment, how it works and making your screenings cinematic.
A previous Glow participant said:
“We received good suggestions /ideas for moving our film club forwards. It was also interesting to speak to other club organisers during the fundraising session”
This programme is funded by the BFI, awarding funds from the National Lottery.