Find out how we are making this year’s conference greener
Catering with a lower carbon foot print:
- This year we have chosen to cater to individuals for lunch rather than provide a buffet, to reduce the amount of food wasted at the conference.
- As with previous years, we will provide entirely meat-free and vegan options.
- Food will be provided in recyclable packaging, with environmentally friendly or reusable utensils and cutlery.
Working with greener suppliers and venues:
- The Workstation and Showroom operate with renewable energy suppliers and have water efficient and saving policies in place.
- Printed materials that are still required for the conference will be printed on PVC-free, FSC approved, kraft paper that is fully recyclable from DS Creative.
Encouraging greener travel:
- This year’s conference will run as a one-day event, with the timetable carefully considered to allow more attendees to join us just for the day and via public transport. This lowers the carbon footprint of the conference by reducing the amount of people needing to stay in hotels, but also makes the conference more accessible and affordable for many.
- The conference being held in Sheffield is also a conscious environmental decision as the geographical location offers a more central point for community cinemas across the UK to attend.
Reducing general waste:
- We have switched from printed paper to digital versions for most of materials we use at our conference such as programmes and feedback forms*, saving tonnes of paper waste.
- Our conference will be free of single-use plastic, with water refill stations available in both the Showroom bar and Workstation reception.
- Recycling stations are available and easily accessible across both sites.
*Please note: A limited number of printed versions of these documents will still be available at the reception desk for those that require them for accessibility.
Re-using and eco-conscious purchasing:
- We will be reusing event materials like tote bags and lanyards leftover from previous years.
- We are also offering more voucher based prizes for many of our Film Society of the Year awardees to reduce waste and allow winners to purchase things they want.
- We are re-using decorations and event materials wherever possible.
Attending the conference and want to know what you can do to help to maker the conference greener? Take a look at some of our tips:
- Bring reusable cups for water and hot drinks.
- Bring your old tote bag.
- Recycle using our recycling facilities.
- Use greener transport options such as trains and coaches.
- Interact with our conference digitally.
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