Joan Of Arc

Year: 2019Certificate: E

Bruno Dumont
Lise Leplat Prudhomme, Annick Lavieville, Justine Herbez
Running Time:
137 mins
English Subtitles:
Country of Origin:
Drama, Historical, International

This film does not yet have a BBFC age certificate. You will need to contact your local council to give the film a local classification for your screening. 

In 1429, the Hundred Years' War between France and England had already been going 90 odd years. Believing that God had chosen her, the young Joan is a leader of the army of the King of France and lifts the siege of Orleans, enabling the dauphin to be formally crowned as Charles VII.

After she is captured, she is sent for trial on charges of heresy, to be judged by pro-Burgundian and pro-English clerics. Refusing to accept the accusations, Joan stays obdurate.

The film was presented in the Un Certain Regard selection in Cannes 2019 and received the Prix Louis-Delluc for best French film of the year.


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