Booking Scheme Postage Price Change
From 1 July 2023 we will be adding a postage fee for disc hire for films licensed through our Booking Scheme. The recent increase in postage costs means that moving forward there will be an additional charge of £4 for 1st Class Signed For postage or £7 for Special Delivery postage per film. This will allow us to continue to provide efficient postage via Royal Mail for those who chose to screen from our disc library. The booking fee will remain at just £90 for those who choose to screen from their own copy and groups remain welcome to screen from their own physical copies or digital downloads legally obtained from an authorised retailer. We have updated other terms and conditions for the Booking Scheme, which you can read in full here.
Rest assured we will honour all bookings made before at the rate in which the booking was made. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at If you wish to book your screenings before the postage change, please visit