Update on MPLC contact:
Cinema For All has received some correspondence from several community cinema and film society venues who have received letters and/or calls from MPLC (Motion Picture Licensing Company) advising the purchase of an umbrella style licence for their venue in order to screen films. After speaking with our contacts at MPLC, we can let you know that these letters are not intended for film societies or community cinemas who are screening publicly on a title-by-title basis, and have been sent in error.
MPLC apologise for any confusion or distress caused by these letters, and confirm that any future communication sent to community venues should include information that community cinemas and film societies who operate legitimately on a title-by-title basis need not purchase the additional MPLC umbrella-style licence. MPLC will be very pleased to answer any questions or concerns you may have following their approach.
For clarity/a refresh, Cinema For All advises that community cinemas and film societies should not operate on an umbrella (also known as a blanket) licence basis, and need to obtain single title licences for each film they publicly screen (either on a commercial or a non-commercial basis), by prior agreement with the appropriate rights-holder (ie. Filmbankmedia, Park Circus, direct from the distributor, from BFI non-theatrical or from the Cinema For All Booking Scheme). An umbrella licence is only appropriate for groups that are screening on a casual, non-advertised and free basis, such as an after school club.
All the best for your upcoming screenings!